
This is a fragrance free soap suitable for the most sensitive skins. Hand-crafted and hand-cut to a beautiful gentle cleansing bar which won’t strip natural oils or irritate your skin.

  • Free of SLSs, parabens, artificial colourants and fragrances and any other chemical ingredients.
  • Hand-made
  • Free of any synthetic additives, colourants and scents.

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Pure is a fragrance free soap suitable for the the most sensitive of skins. Hand-crafted and hand-cut to a beautiful gentle cleansing bar which won’t strip natural oils or irritate your skin.

Pure enjoys moisturizing benefits from the Nourish blend of Coconut oil, Castor oil, Shea butter and Cocoa butter. It is completely free of SLS, parabens, artificial colourants and fragrances and any other chemical ingredients.

All Nourish Soaps are hand-made and free of any synthetic additives, colourants and scents.

Why natural soaps are better for you:

  • No SLSs – industrial degreasers known for their stripping effect on skin and hair and causing allergic reactions
  • Glycerin is not removed. In handmade soap, glycerin is a natural by-product of reaction between oil and lye. Glycerin has moisturizing properties which works very well with the healing properties of the natural oils and butters use and make the final natural soap bar a super skin food!
  • No artificial Fragrances and dyes. In natural soap making earth clays, essential oils, oats, teas and even fruits and veggies are used to enhance the smell, bring unique colors and increase benefits for your skin.