
Original price was: R300.00.Current price is: R280.00.

LATIN: Sceletium tortuosum

FAMILY: Aizoaceae

COMMON NAMES: Kanna, Channa, Tortuose fig marigold, Kanna, Kougoed, Tandtrekbos

Only 2 left in stock


Sceletium is a succulent plant which can be found in the Eastern, Northern and Western Cape of South Africa.

Plants can often be found covering the ground in the shade or amongst larger bushes, usually climbing or creeping. It has slender branches which become thick and slightly woody as they age. The leaves have curved tips with 3-5 veins, and has small water cells present, the incredible flowers (which bloom in spring and summer) are white to pale yellow, but even come in salmon or pale pink colours.

LATIN: Sceletium tortuosum FAMILY: Aizoaceae COMMON NAMES: Kanna, Channa, Tortuose fig marigold, Kanna, Kougoed, Tandtrekbos
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